Exploring What Can I Buy With My EBT Card


With your EBT card, you can purchase certain food items that are considered essential for a healthy diet. These items include fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products, and more.

Eligible Food Items

Here is a breakdown of the types of food items you can buy with your EBT card:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Meat, poultry, and fish
  • Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt
  • Grains such as bread, rice, and pasta
  • Snack foods like chips and crackers

Non-Eligible Items

It’s important to note that there are certain items you cannot purchase with your EBT card. These include:

  1. Alcohol and tobacco products
  2. Non-food items like cleaning supplies and personal care products
  3. Hot foods that are meant to be eaten immediately

Specialty Items

There are also some specialty items that you may be able to purchase with your EBT card, such as:

Specialty Item Eligibility
Seeds and plants for growing food Allowed in some states
Energy drinks and supplements Not covered by EBT

Online Purchases

Recently, there have been changes in policies that allow EBT cardholders to make online purchases from approved retailers. This makes it easier for individuals to access healthy food options without having to visit physical stores.

Farmer’s Markets

Another way to use your EBT card is at farmer’s markets that accept them. This is a great way to support local farmers and access fresh produce while utilizing your benefits.

In conclusion, your EBT card can be used to purchase a variety of food items that are essential for a balanced diet. By understanding what is eligible and ineligible for purchase, you can make the most of your benefits and make healthy choices for you and your family.